I decided to start taking the Wilton Cake Courses. I started off in December taking course 1: Decorating Basics. This month, Travis was a wonderful husband to let me out 2 times a week for 2 classes! Tonight was my final for course 2: Flowers & Design. First, I'll take you back a few weeks.
The first week we used gum paste and made button flowers (top) and pansies (bottom). These were pretty straight forward and were meant to start easing into using certain tools.
The second week of class we got into royal icing. I have no photo from that week as my icing flopped by the time I got to class. Royal icing is very temperamental. It was perfect at home, but by the time I got up to Michael's, the difference in temperature and/or humidity caused it to flop.
Week three we worked with royal icing again. I tired to fix my icing, but it still wasn't the best. I was able to get my flowers to come out a little better. Above is a lilly. It came out the best of my flowers for the night. Below is supposed to be a daffodil. The icing wasn't perfect so I couldn't get the flower perfect.
And now we come to week 4. The final project. Tonight was learning a reverse shell and the basketweave. It was also our chance to show off what we learned and decorate a cake! Below is my final project. Travis chose the flowers for the cake. I decided to stay away from the royal icing for now until I can practice more with it.
For my final project I made more button flowers and some leaves from gum paste. I did a basketweave around the outside of the cake with a reverse shell around the top and a shell border at the bottom. Overall I think the cake came out pretty good.
Tomorrow night we will be eating the cake! Travis has invited folks over from work to come enjoy my master piece and coffee! I sure hope they like it!
Next Monday is my final for course 3: gum paste and fondant. I'll be sure to post all the pictures from that course. Next month is course 4: advanced gum paste and fondant.